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  • The Board of Education of the Franklin City School District has determined that the real property located at 16 Farm Avenue, Franklin, OH 45005, Warren County Auditor Parcel ID Number 0431153012 will be offered for sale at public auction. The auction will be held at the property, which is located at 16 Farm Avenue, Franklin, OH 45005 and will occur on October 14, 2024, at 12 p.m.  Conditions of Sale and other pertinent information regarding the sale are available on request at the Board office by contacting Kevin Hawley, Treasurer, at 937-743-8603 or

  • Please note that some information on this website is not up to date. This summer, we are both changing our classroom building configuration and migrating to a new website. If you need a definitive answer to a question, we suggest you call or email. If you aren’t certain whom to contact, feel free to email

Department Info

Tamara Centers

Tamara Centers - Transportation Supervisor

Office: 760 East Fourth Street Franklin, Ohio 45005

Phone: 937.743.8670


Welome to a new school year!

As your child benefits from one of the finest public educations in Ohio, our job is to make sure that all students who are eligible for bus service receive a safe and pleasant ride to and from school. We want your child’s entire school day, including the morning and afternoon bus rides, to be as enjoyable as possible.

To help with that, we have included a few basic guidelines as well as the most frequently asked questions and answers about our school bus service. We want to make sure your child starts the day right and ends with a smile; please let us know if we can help in any way.

You are encouraged to go to the Franklin City Schools website to the Transportation Department tab and download the “MyRide” Parent App which allows you to track your student on their bus. It is easy to use and there is a step-by-step guide to walk you through the process.

Please call 937-743-8670 or email me at with any questions or comments.

We look forward to a great school year. Thank you for entrusting us with transporting your students.


Frequenly Asked Questions (FAQ)

I cannot see my child's bus stop from the house. Are there state laws that set the standards for bus stop locations?

No law requires a parent to see the bus stop from home.  Students in Ohio may be assigned to a bus stop up to one-half mile from their home and we encourage parents to accompany their child to the bus stop whenever possible. This teaches the child safe habits of walking to and from the bus stop and may give the parent peace of mind.  Bus stop locations are determined by each district’s board of education.

Are sidewalks required for my child to get to his/her bus stop?

Many students walk alongside of roadways to reach their bus stop and in some instances no sidewalks exist.  While we understand this may be concern in some situations, the DOE does not promulgate bus stop placement.  Issues relating to where a child’s bus stop is located and safety concerns along the way to the bus stop must be addressed with the district in which you reside.

I make my child wait inside of my house until the bus is at the stop. I have heard this not allowed-is this true?

Ohio law requires children to be waiting at the bus stop prior to its arrival.  Bus drivers count the students at the bus stop before they load and as they get on the bus to ensure all children are safely on board.  If students are not waiting at the bus stop the bus driver cannot count them and cannot be certain the student are safely on board.  Waiting at the bus stop before the bus arrives further ensures that no one chases after the bus-this is a very dangerous thing to do.  Many districts also instruct their buses to not stop at locations where no students are waiting.

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