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  • The Board of Education of the Franklin City School District has determined that the real property located at 16 Farm Avenue, Franklin, OH 45005, Warren County Auditor Parcel ID Number 0431153012 will be offered for sale at public auction. The auction will be held at the property, which is located at 16 Farm Avenue, Franklin, OH 45005 and will occur on October 14, 2024, at 12 p.m.  Conditions of Sale and other pertinent information regarding the sale are available on request at the Board office by contacting Kevin Hawley, Treasurer, at 937-743-8603 or

  • Please note that some information on this website is not up to date. This summer, we are both changing our classroom building configuration and migrating to a new website. If you need a definitive answer to a question, we suggest you call or email. If you aren’t certain whom to contact, feel free to email


Novalee Hillard

Novalee Hillard - EMIS Coordination, Director of Admissions, Homeless Liaison, Foster Care Point of Contact

Office: 754 East Fourth Street Franklin, OH 45005

Phone: 937.743.8602 x1440


What is EMIS

EMIS (Educational Management Information System) is the statewide data collection system for Ohio's primary and secondary education.  Staff, student, district/building, and financial data are collected through this system.

 The EMIS data files are used in a variety of ways:

  • State and Federal Reporting

The EMIS provision in law (Ohio Revised Code section 3301.0714) requires that certain student, staff, and financial data elements be collected and maintained by school districts and subsequently submitted to ODE.  One of the primary functions of EMIS is to streamline state and federal reporting requirements for  school districts.

  • Funding and Distribution of Payments

EMIS provides a streamlined system for districts to report information required to receive state funding and to determine eligibility for federal funding.  EMIS automates the complexity of the funding formulas specified in Ohio law so that districts do not have to interpret the legislation to calculate and report data.

  • Academic Accountability System

EMIS data is also used in Ohio's academic accountability system for students, schools, and districts.  It allows ODE to collect, analyze, and report data to a variety of audiences, such as policymakers, educators, administrators, and the general public, who need data to gauge the performance of the students. 

  • Statewide and District Reports

EMIS provides data to ODE for the generation of state reports such as; accountability reports and the local report card (LRC).  Other statewide reports are produced from EMIS for legislators, educational organizations, and policy and research needs.

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