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  • The Board of Education of the Franklin City School District has determined that the real property located at 16 Farm Avenue, Franklin, OH 45005, Warren County Auditor Parcel ID Number 0431153012 will be offered for sale at public auction. The auction will be held at the property, which is located at 16 Farm Avenue, Franklin, OH 45005 and will occur on October 14, 2024, at 12 p.m.  Conditions of Sale and other pertinent information regarding the sale are available on request at the Board office by contacting Kevin Hawley, Treasurer, at 937-743-8603 or

  • Please note that some information on this website is not up to date. This summer, we are both changing our classroom building configuration and migrating to a new website. If you need a definitive answer to a question, we suggest you call or email. If you aren’t certain whom to contact, feel free to email

Gifted Services


Dawn Harris

Dawn Harris - Gifted Services Coordinator

Office: 754 E. Fourth Street, Franklin, OH 45005

Phone: 937.743.8602 x1459  


District Policy for the Identification and Service of Children Who Are Gifted

The Franklin City School Board, administration, and staff believe the purpose of education is to facilitate the development of the potential of each student. Therefore it is our goal to focus on intellectual, academic, and creative aspects of learning. Students are involved in critical thinking, Bloom’s higher-level activities, and creative problem-solving. Within their regular classroom, they are provided with differentiated content/process/product and other enrichment activities based on their ability and needs. (For more information, click on the district policy and plan below. Copies are available at each school office.)

FCS District Policy and Plan

Referral & Identification

School districts are required to identify students who are gifted. They may be identified in one or more of the four areas:

  • Cognitive (overall intelligence)

  • Specific Academics (Reading, Math, Science, or Social Studies)

  • Creative Thinking Ability

  • Visual and Performing Arts (Art, Music, Dance, or Drama)


Part of the process of identification includes referrals for gifted testing. To refer a student, please download and complete the "Permission for Assessment of Gifted Identification” referral form. This form gives the district permission to assess your child for possible identification. Please return the completed referral form to either:

  • your child’s teacher

  • the building secretary

  • Gifted Services at Central Office

You can also obtain a physical copy of the form from Franklin City Schools' District Central Offices located at 754 E. Fourth Street or request a copy from your child's teacher.


It is the desire of Franklin City Schools to promote maximum individual opportunities for our students, to develop and grow potential, to cultivate skills in critical thinking as well as creativity, and to supply each student with the tools to be productive citizens.


Gifted Services currently provided to our gifted students:

Regular classroom setting for academics / Cluster-grouped with a Cognitive, Creativity, or Reading identification

Written Education Plan (WEP)


Advanced English Language Arts (ELA); Advanced Math; 8th-grade Algebra

Cluster-grouped with a Cognitive, Creativity, or Reading identification

Written Education Plan (WEP) 


Gifted English & Math

Honors classes, Advanced Placement courses (AP), College Credit Plus (CCP)

Cluster-grouped with a Cognitive, Creativity, Reading, or Math Identification

Written Education Plan (WEP)


College Credit Plus, Early Entrance, Subject,

Grade, Early Graduation, Cluster Grouping 

*For more information, please see the acceleration policy and procedure below. Copies also available at each school office.



Acceleration is any modification or change of the regular instructional program that enables a student to progress more rapidly and to complete a program in less time or at an earlier age than is traditional. The acceleration opportunities should include, but  are not limited to:

  • early entrance into kindergarten
  • subject acceleration (one or more areas)
  • grade acceleration
  • early graduation

Acceleration Policy and Procedure

Please be aware at this time, it is required by law that school districts must provide opportunities to identify children as gifted. However, districts are not required to provide gifted services.

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