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Board of Education Work Sessions will be held the second Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Franklin Junior High School Board Room and the Regular Board Meetings will be held the fourth Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Franklin High School Media Center. No Work Session Meeting scheduled in July or December. Next meeting: Jan. 27, 6 p.m., FHS Media Center.

Student Services Department Information

Student Services Department Information

Student Services Office Personnel:

Jim McFarland

James McFarland - Director of Student Services


754 East 4th Street
Franklin, OH 45005

Phone: 937.743.8602 x1438


Debbie Childers

Debbie Childers - Student Services Secretary


754 East 4th Street
Franklin, OH 45005

Phone: 937.743.8602 x1438


Student Services Program

A full explanation of FCS Special Education Services and Procedures can be found in the department handbook:  FCS Special Education Department Handbook

Franklin City Schools offers a continuum of services to meet the needs of its student population.  This includes MTSS, Title I, Section 504, and Special Education services.  For those students who are evaluated and found eligible for special education services, a variety of supports are provided.  

This continuum includes varied levels of classroom support.  At the elementary and intermediate grade level buildings (Schenck - K, Gerke - 1st, Hunter - 2nd, and Franklin Intermediate - 3rd-5th), students receive support and specially designed instruction within the general education classroom or resource classroom environment.  The location of these services is determined by the IEP teams based on the individual needs of each student.  All Preschool-age services are provided at Schenck Elementary.  For our students with more complex educational needs, our Extended Resource Classrooms (located at Schenck, Gerke, and Franklin Intermediate) provide intensive support within a smaller educational setting.  At the junior high and high school levels (6th through 12th grade), the full continuum of supports exists within each building.  

Franklin City Schools presently employs 42 intervention specialists, 4 school psychologists, 5 speech-language pathologists, 45 paraprofessionals, and contracts with the Warren County ESC for preschool services, occupational therapists, physical therapists, additional speech-language pathologists, transition coordinator services, and behavior support personnel.  The district's special education staff serves approximately 600 identified PK-12th-grade students or 23.4% of the total student population.  

Department Infographic

School Psychologists

In Franklin, the school psychologist chairs evaluation teams, including interpreting information and recommendations. The school psychologist works to respond to new referrals in a timely manner, complete initial referrals and reevaluation within timelines, work with parents to guide them through the evaluation/re-evaluation process, work collaboratively with teams to complete the evaluations, and work with parents and teams to accept and/or reevaluate transfer students.  The psychologist uses a wide range of psychological instruments and procedures to evaluate students’ cognitive, academic, adaptive/functional, and behavioral skills.

Phone: (937) 743-8602

Additional information about the role of school psychologists

Tiffany Hackney

Tiffany Hackney

Building Assignment: Schenck Elementary

754 East 4th Street
Franklin, OH 45005

Phone: 937.743.8602 x1436


Anayra Patterson

Anayra Patterson

Building Assignment: Gerke Elementary, Hunter Elementary, and Franklin Junior High School (6th Grade)

754 East 4th Street
Franklin, OH 45005

Phone: 937.743.8602 x1464


Heather Schneider

Heather Schneider

Building Assignment: Franklin Intermediate & Franklin Junior High School (7th Grade)

754 East 4th Street
Franklin, OH 45005

Phone: 937.743.8602 x1468


Jaymi Shroder

Jaymi Shroder

Building Assignment: Franklin Junior High School (8th Grade), Franklin High School, Warren County Career Center, and Fenwick High School

754 East 4th Street
Franklin, OH 45005

Phone: 937.743.8602 x1465


DPIA and Student Wellness Funds

Ohio’s districts and schools receive Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid and Student Wellness and Success Funds to fund initiatives to support wraparound services for Ohio’s students.

Ohio law now includes several updates related to Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid and Student Wellness and Success Funds. These updates help ensure that districts and schools are positioned to prioritize students’ physical and mental health needs through strategic community partnerships.  

Updates for FY24 and FY25 include requirements for districts and schools to: 

  • Spend at least 50% of Student Wellness and Success Funds on physical or mental health services. 
  • Develop a plan for using Student Wellness and Success Funds in collaboration with both a community mental health prevention or treatment provider or local alcohol, drug addiction and mental health services (ADAMHS) board and another community partner from the current list of partners.  
  • Share the Student Wellness and Success Fund plan with governing body and post to website within 30 days after development or amendment of the plan. 
  • Report annually on how the district or school spent Student Wellness and Success Funds and Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid. 
  • Spend Student Wellness and Success Funds by the end of the next fiscal year after they were received. Funds received this fiscal year (FY24), must be spent by June 30, 2025. Additionally, Student Wellness and Success Funds received in FY20 to FY23 must be spent by June 30, 2025. 

Districts and schools use Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid and Student Wellness and Success Funds to provide vital wraparound services to help students overcome obstacles to learning, accelerate learning and prepare for future success. 

Districts and schools can view Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid and Student Wellness and Success Funds funding amounts on the School Payment Reports website. 

Beginning in Fiscal Year 2024, all Student Wellness and Success Funds must be spent by the end of the following fiscal year. Student Wellness and Success Funds allocated this fiscal year (FY24) must be spent by June 30, 2025. Additionally, all Student Wellness and Success Funds allocated in any of Fiscal Years 2020 to 2023 shall be expended prior to June 30, 2025. 

Ohio law does not specify the timeline in which Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid must be spent, but schools and districts can leverage these funds in a timely manner to support the critical needs of students.  

Franklin City Schools Staff developed a comprehensive plan for allocating these important funds within the 2023-2024 school year and presented it to the FCS Board of Education in November 2023.  

The plan can be found by following the linked attachment: 

FY 24 Student Wellness and Success Funds & Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid Plan

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