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Board of Education Work Sessions will be held the second Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Franklin Junior High School Board Room and the Regular Board Meetings will be held the fourth Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Franklin High School Media Center. No Work Session Meeting scheduled in July or December. Next meeting: Feb. 10, 6 p.m., FJHS Board Room.



Dr. Michael D. Sander

Dr. Michael D. Sander  - Superintendent of Schools

754 East Fourth Street
Franklin, OH 45005Phone:


Lynn Hetzler

Lynn Hetzler - Administrative Assistant to Superintendent

Phone: 937.746.1699 Option 1


Franklin City Schools Organizational Chart 

Superintendent's Updates

Greetings from Franklin City Schools! 
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We’re excited to see students in the buildings and look forward to a great school year.
This fall will bring the biggest changes the district has seen in decades. We’ve closed two elementary buildings, reorganized elementary students by grade level, and moved grades 6–8 into the newly renovated junior high building. The movement and reconfiguration have altered start times and bus routes; thank you for your patience as we all adjust to the changes.
Like many of you, I love the concept of neighborhood schools, but there’s no doubt that they’re more expensive to operate than grade level buildings. However, I think realignment presents new opportunities. At grade level buildings, students will meet and interact with their entire grade level and begin to make life-long friendships that aren’t limited to kids in their neighborhood. Being together from kindergarten also eliminates the awkward transition from elementary school to junior high. Teachers of the same grade will be able to collaborate for increased student achievement.
Students in grades 6-8 will enjoy newly renovated space in the junior high building: new flooring, newly painted walls, new chairs, new white boards and ViewSonic boards. Staff will also have new desks. Work is on track to be finished by mid-August.
Speaking of buildings, we’ve heard nothing but compliments about the new high school. It looks beautiful as you drive into Franklin. Students seem to love it, too, and there’ve been fewer discipline incidents since the move. Everyone loves the spaciousness, the natural light, and the courtyard. The commons area is large enough that we’ll be able to have just two lunch periods and return to a more traditional schedule. We’ll be able to use the new gym this fall and look forward to hosting a public open house so the community can see the finished building.
You’ve probably heard about vouchers, which is money for students to attend private school. Frankly, I’m not an advocate of public money going to private education, but I’m also not afraid of competition. School isn’t just about a test—it’s about socialization and non-assessed items and experiences. If you compare a pure educational package, I don’t think a private school can compete with Franklin. We provide many opportunities, clubs, sports, and ways for students to get involved. Private schools have a prescriptive way for students to think; we want to educate individuals to hear facts and be stimulated to think and draw their own conclusions. We also won’t reject students who need more time or help; we are very inclusive and a great educational institution for all students.
As always, if you have questions or concerns about Franklin City Schools, don’t hesitate to contact me at (937) 746-1699 or
Dr. Michael D. Sander, Superintendent
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