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Board of Education Work Sessions will be held the second Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Franklin Junior High School Board Room and the Regular Board Meetings will be held the fourth Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Franklin High School Media Center. No Work Session Meeting scheduled in July or December. Next meeting: Feb. 10, 6 p.m., FJHS Board Room.


College Credit Plus (CCP)

College Credit Plus is Ohio's dual enrollment program that provides students in grades 7-12 the opportunity to earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking courses from Ohio colleges or universities.  The purpose of this program is to enhance students' career readiness and postsecondary success, while providing a wide variety of options to college-ready students, at no or limited costs to students and families.

Students may take any approved course they wish through the CCP program.  Each college will provide a list of CCP approved courses that high school students can participate in. However, all high school students must abide by their local course requirements each year of high school.

The following are some of the CCP courses students can take at FHS through Sinclair:

  • Theatre Appreciation  (THE1101)
  • Spanish III, IV & V  (SPA1101, SPA1102 & SPA2201)
  • French III & IV  (FRE1101 & FRE1102)
  • AP U.S. History (HIS1101, 1102)
  • AP American Government (PLS1120)
  • Hrs. Pre-Calculus  (MAT1470 & MAT1570)
  • AP Calculus  (MAT2270)
  • Statistics  (MAT1450)
  • English IV  (ENG1101 & LIT2220)


How to get started:

  • Attend the annual CCP Meeting - Wednesday, February 7th at 5:45 PM (via Zoom)
  • Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 892 1666 8197 Passcode: 225942
  • If you were unable to attend the meeting mentioned above, students AND parents must refer to this document and follow the steps to become eligible for the CCP program.
  • All students intending to participate in the CCP program for the 2024-2025 school year(whether new or returning) must submit this Google Form by April 1, 2024 - CCP Intent to Participate Form
  • Students must apply at the college they wish to attend and must meet entrance requirements of that college. This includes applying at Sinclair for CCP courses offered at Franklin High School.  If you are not currently a CCP Sinclair student at FHS, create an account and complete the Sinclair Application here.


If you have specific questions, students can sign up to meet with Samantha Small, Sinclair's Academic Advisor! She will be at FHS the third Wednesday of every month.  Sign up for an appointment with Sinclair here.

They can assist you with: 

  • Registering for your CCP courses 
  • Understanding how your CCP or Tech Prep credits fulfills the requirements of a college credential 
  • Declaring a major and building your My Academic Plan (MAP) 
  • Financial Aid & Scholarship questions 
  • Transition from high school to college 
  • Career Planning
  • Completing Sinclair Degree & Certification Programs 
  • Transferring completed credits to a different college 
  • Enrolling at Sinclair after high school



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