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Board of Education Work Sessions will be held the second Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Franklin Junior High School Board Room and the Regular Board Meetings will be held the fourth Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Franklin High School Media Center. No Work Session Meeting scheduled in July or December. Next meeting: Feb. 10, 6 p.m., FJHS Board Room.


District Blog

District Blog


Entry Tags (1 found)

Student Achievement

Students Honored 17

APR 4, 2017
at 12:00 am

Students honored for academic achievement. The Franklin Board of Education recently honored students for achievement. Pennyroyal Elementary students Brenna Clifford (6th grade) and William Long (5th g...

District Art

Young Artist Show

APR 4, 2017
at 12:00 am

FHS students in annual young artist show. FHS students Alisa Raney, Mackenzie Faulkner, and Bella Purdy were among students whose work was recently displayed at the Middletown Art Center's annual yout...

Franklin Winter Guard

MAR 31, 2017
at 12:00 am

Franklin High School Winter Guard wows the audience at Winter Guard International (WGI) with their innovative double rifle juggling.  See the interviewâ¢â‚¬‚¬â€¹€¹Coach Missy Townsend below.

r Guard D...

Miamisburg Art Show

MAR 20, 2017
at 12:00 am
Franklin High School Students earn honors, awards at Miamisburg Art Show
Franklin High School students took a number of prizes, including Best of Show and President's Awards, in the 26th annual Mi...
Student Achievement

School Board Student Recognitions

FEB 28, 2017
at 12:00 am
December picture: Kinsey Harris (right), Gerke, was honored for earning straight As for 11 quarters and Alexis Seger (left), Hunter, was honored for earning straight As for 10 consecutive quarters.
FHS Gymnasium

Athletic Leadership

NOV 16, 2016
at 12:00 am

Vincent Rush wrote an incredibly inspiring article about Franklin's Athletic Director and Basketball Coach, Brian Bales. Please see link below:

Bales Leadership

Alice in Wonderland

FHS Drama Club Honors

NOV 11, 2016
at 12:00 am

Congratulations to Mr. Sams and the FHS Drama Club! They have been invited by the Ohio Educational Theatre Association to perform their fall play, Alice, at the 2017 State Thespian Conference in March...

SWBL Winners

NOV 11, 2016
at 12:00 am

The Southwestern Buckeye League released the 2016 All League Awards Thursday night.  The Wildcats had 18 different award winners receiving recognition for their outstanding play on the field.  Players...

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