District Blog
District Blog

Students Honored 17
Students honored for academic achievement. The Franklin Board of Education recently honored students for achievement. Pennyroyal Elementary students Brenna Clifford (6th grade) and William Long (5th g...

Young Artist Show
FHS students in annual young artist show. FHS students Alisa Raney, Mackenzie Faulkner, and Bella Purdy were among students whose work was recently displayed at the Middletown Art Center's annual yout...
Franklin Winter Guard
Franklin High School Winter Guard wows the audience at Winter Guard International (WGI) with their innovative double rifle juggling. See the interviewâ¢â‚¬‚¬â€¹€¹Coach Missy Townsend below.
r Guard D...Miamisburg Art Show

School Board Student Recognitions

Athletic Leadership
Vincent Rush wrote an incredibly inspiring article about Franklin's Athletic Director and Basketball Coach, Brian Bales. Please see link below:

FHS Drama Club Honors
Congratulations to Mr. Sams and the FHS Drama Club! They have been invited by the Ohio Educational Theatre Association to perform their fall play, Alice, at the 2017 State Thespian Conference in March...
SWBL Winners
The Southwestern Buckeye League released the 2016 All League Awards Thursday night. The Wildcats had 18 different award winners receiving recognition for their outstanding play on the field. Players...