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  • The Board of Education of the Franklin City School District has determined that the real property located at 16 Farm Avenue, Franklin, OH 45005, Warren County Auditor Parcel ID Number 0431153012 will be offered for sale at public auction. The auction will be held at the property, which is located at 16 Farm Avenue, Franklin, OH 45005 and will occur on October 14, 2024, at 12 p.m.  Conditions of Sale and other pertinent information regarding the sale are available on request at the Board office by contacting Kevin Hawley, Treasurer, at 937-743-8603 or

  • Please note that some information on this website is not up to date. This summer, we are both changing our classroom building configuration and migrating to a new website. If you need a definitive answer to a question, we suggest you call or email. If you aren’t certain whom to contact, feel free to email

Friday Football

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Friday Football

Aug 30, 2024
at 2:00 pm

Football season is upon us, and everyone is very excited to watch the Franklin Wildcats take the field.  Last Friday, we had some issues with elementary aged students in the area near the concession stand engaging in horseplay and potentially unsafe behavior.  If these concerns continue, we will consider having students in grades K-5 sitting with their parents.  We appreciate your support in keeping students safe.  We will have an Elementary principal at each home game moving forward for additional student support.  

We thank you in advance for your support and understanding.

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